Sunday, April 30, 2006

Milestone moment yesterday - Tyler said his first sentence! He came to show me something and whatever it was (a piece of fluff I think) dropped onto the floor. So I said "Where is it?" and he replied, clear as a bell "I don't know". I nearly fell off my chair! And best thing of all, I managed to capture it on video because he repeated it each time I asked the question. And all accompanied by a palms up gesture and shrugging of shoulders. Too cute :)

And this morning when he had finished his breakfast he said "Finished now".

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We've had a lovely Easter, although Chris started work on Sunday, which meant that we missed Leona's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEONA!!

Tyler and I popped up to Dunedin on Sunday and stayed with Rachel, Chris and Samantha. The kids played very well together and we got some great photos including this one of them kissing.

We also visited Grandma Holford - she is looking much better now, and Donna and Garry.

Today we put Tyler in a big bed for the first time...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tyler has lots of words now. He calls Anton 'Budda' which we figured out means brother. He can name lots of body parts, and says book, pussy, bath, boody (ball - apparently that's what Anton used to call it as a toddler). His very favourite word though is No. Or more commonly Noooooooo! or Nononononono!!

He is getting quite good at feeding himself with a spoon although if it takes too long he resorts to fingers again.

He loves watching his 'Thomas the Tank Engine' DVD while having breakfast. His favourite songs are Incy Wincy Spider and Roll a Bobbin up, both complete with actions.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Well it's not being for lack of trying that we haven't posted for a while. Dang dial-up! And yes I know we could get broadband via sattelite but it's over $100 a month - thanks but no thanks.

Anyway, before it all craps out on me again, here's a pic I took the other day of Tyler eating spaghetti bolognaise. He starts off with a bowl and spoon and then gets impatient...