Monday, July 24, 2006

Tyler has had his first plane trip and he thought it was great. We flew to Christchurch and stayed in Rangiora with Grandad and Jan. On Friday night we went to Nan's for tea and Aunty Leona was there too. Isn't that a lovely photo? Nan gave Tyler his birthday present early - a beautiful book called 'Guess How Much I Love You. We also visited Garry and Donna and Tyler thought the John Deere kid's ride-on tractor was very cool.

Here he is on Grandad's Laverda...

I'll post some more photos later.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Here's Mr Tyler doing his Mr Cool impression in the digger that was pulling out some posts for us this morning.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Here's Tyler in his lovely Great-Aunty-Betty-knitted jersey, drawing his beloved tractors. At least it would be if this %#^*&^$# site would let me download the picture!!! *bangs head on keyboard* I'll try again tomorrow.
(Edited 'tomorrow' - it finally worked!)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Tyler now his own tool bench and tools, which Chris bought him the other day. He just LOVES it and goes everywhere with two fistfuls of tools. Even eating breakfast he has a spoon in one hand and his 'ammer in the other!

A busy time in the Campbell-McLeod household. I had my HR exam on Tuesday and today I am singing in a concert with my choir. Also doing a solo and a duet so feeling a bit nervous.