Monday, July 30, 2007

T had his yearly checkup with the dental nurse today. Apparently he is teething! What the??? Turns out he still has one molar left to come through.

Tyler's latest favourite toy is....a plunger. It is very handy for shooting people, banging loudly on other objects and just generally swinging around. He accessorises with a cowboy hat. Naturally.

This second photo is the same plunger end-on. Kind of looks like some weird alien thing.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This morning we had another waterless start, as the pipes had frozen. You don;t realise how many little things you use water for until you haven't got it. Anyway, it's running again now. We have resorted to using a gas heater in the hallway to help take the chill off the bedrooms. The heat pump just can't cut in these low temps.

Tyler is toasty warm thanks to the new 'jerwy' Granna knitted him. In this photo he's crying because he hates having his photo taken, not because he doesn't like the jersey!

Chris has been crook for the last 10 days with a cold which has turned into a full on chesty thing. Being a man, he won't go to the Dr and get something to knock it on the head. *rolls eyes*

I've started my last NZ Dip. Bus. paper - Introdution to Commerical Law. It should be quite handy in my present job.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Tyler is over his phase of not wanting to get dressed although he demands to take off his sweatshirt the moment he is inside. I have discovered that if you want a small child to do something you don't ASK them to do it, you tell them. e.g. if I say "Tyler would you like to put your socks on?" it's likely the response will be "No sanks Mummy".

I took Tyler to East Road Pets on Saturday. He just loves the turtles and kept returning to their terrarium. Probably a bit young for his own turtle just yet - I suspect we would find it wandering loose about the house a fair bit!

I passed my Economics exam with an A. Didn't do as well as I'd hoped in the exam. Too many dang diagrams. I can haemorrage words but I just don't do diagrams. Not complaining though, pretty happy with an A! Only one more paper to go this semester - Introduction to Commercial Law - and then I will have my NZDipBus. 12 papers and one baby later, feels like I've been studying forever.

Anton is up at Bruce and Ali's for the week. Chris is supposed to be on days off at the moment but has a 2-day course. Never mind, ot means he gets an extra two days later on.