Sunday, August 15, 2010


The last little party-goer has left and now I can relax and enjoy a bit of fairy bread :)

The day started at Sparrow's fart with Tyler demanding to see 'The List'. This is the list I had to make up at his request with clues of where to find his presents. We tried to get him to cuddle up in bed with us and doze off and though he did try, I gave up at 6:30am when he started to sing 'Happy Birthday to me' rather loudly. Once the initial oohing and aahing over the various presents was completed I was able to leave him to it and crawl back into bed for another snooze :)

1pm we were invaded by his little friends and the fun began. Firstly the present-opening followed by 'Pass the Parcel' and the Chocolate Game. At 2pm Wayne McEwan, the Magic Guy presented his show complete with live rabbit and the kids absolutely loved it. We threw rugs down on the lounge floor and the kids hoed into the birthday food - all the usual suspects: cheerios and tomato sauce, savouries, lollies, chips and I even made some fairy bread. All washed down with fizz. Good luck to the parents trying to get their kids to sleep tonight ;)

Here are some photos:

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